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COLLECTION Trio ~ DEPRESSION EASING Healing Bracelets ~ Set of 3©️

COLLECTION Trio ~ DEPRESSION EASING Healing Bracelets ~ Set of 3©️

Regular price $28.00 AUD
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CHAKRA: Root, Throat, Third Eye and Crown

Each bracelet contains 30 beads, please be aware the bracelets all won’t be the same size. This is due to the changing size of gemstones/crystal used. Some are smaller/larger even though we buy them as 6mm sizing!  The elastic is fine and can’t take more beads. These are a one size only collection.

I have created these healing bracelets based on my knowledge gained from my Crystal Healing Certification. These pouches are designed to help us by engaging our physical, etheric, astral and mental bodies. These all form together and create our persona.

Crystal healing works by restoring balance on our etheric body before the illness manifests further. The Etheric body is a duplicate of our physical body and radiates around 4 inches above and is a higher vibration.

The etheric appears as a fine grey mist and does not filter bad or good vibes. This is when crystal healing is used to remove the blocks and restore healthy flow.

Crystals do become more powerful when used repeatedly for the same purpose. So wear them often!

These combination of crystals help ease negative thoughts, and melancholy with uplifting positive light healing

Stones used in this collection are:


Crazy Lace Agate is named the laughter stone as it is associated with Mexican fiestas, fun and brings joy to those who wear it

 It is great for energy boosts and regulating your daily energy levels

Provides protective Vibes from negative energies in your surrounds and prevents you getting spooked

Keep a piece with you to ward of the Evil Eye and keep your surrounds positive 

Metaphysically healing for skin disorders, varicose veins and blood circulation

Helps you overcome low self esteem and phobias

Eases emotional pain when worn as jewellery


A stone that brings harmony and balance to its surrounds

Clear Quartz is the master healer in the crystal world

It protects from negativity and offers psychic protection against black magic

It amplifies energies of all other gemstones and contains pure life force energies

Metaphysically healing for our whole body, soul and mind

Clear Quartz is a highly programmable stone making it perfect for meditation, manifesting or healing

Clear Quartz draws energies down from the Universe and higher sources and from nature

This energy transfers to our rainbow auric field and cleanses and centres our Chakras


Turquoise is a stone of high regard to Native Americans and has been used extensively in jewellery, beadwork and pottery

Navajo and Zuni Native Americans believe turquoise to encourage rain. They would throw the stone into the river whilst praying to the spirits

Metaphysically healing vibes for bringing calm to our minds, helping lethargy and easing depression with it’s peaceful energies. It may ease respiratory problems and allergies

It is believed to bring good luck, protection and is a talisman to be worn when creativity and ambition are needed

Symbolic of good fortune, it also holds protective energies to its keeper

 You receive 3 bracelets as shown, chosen intuitively for you, each is uniquely beautiful 



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