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Authentic SweetGrass Braid

Authentic SweetGrass Braid

Regular price $9.00 AUD
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 Authentic wildcrafted SweetGrass, is sustainably harvested and grown in the USA. It’s is USDA a certified organic. Please be mindful of where you purchase your herbs. It’s important our Mother Earth is replenished when we take herbs for personal use. We must replant and give back…

SweetGrass is a favourite of mine, because of its link to my Cherokee/Lumbee lineage,  it’s sweet smell and smoke attracts everything that is good 

This beautiful aroma is very sweet, almost vanilla like

It is believed to attract many blessings, when burned during rituals, before prayers and ceremonies and it connects us to our Mother Earth and all that lives upon her. It is also used to call in Good Spirits.

Sweetgrass represents peace, beauty, happiness, healing and spirituality

Braids are symbolic of our ties to the land, and as we braid our hair we think and send out good thoughts only, this is why a lot of Natives have long hair and don’t like to cut it.  It is considered a sacred tie to our Mother Earth land.

The three parts of our braid are Mind. Body. Spirit. 

The SweetGrass is often braided whilst still rooted into Mother Earth before harvesting 

Native American cultures have used this method of cleansing and healing along with medicine men and Shamans

I do this practice every morning as part of my beauty routine. It allows me to send love and gratitude to my Ancestors in the smoke. In return they send guidance and protection.

For best results, I recommend using an Abalone Shell and Feather, this then uses all 4 Elements 

Water ~ The Abalone Shell

Air ~ The feather guiding smoke towards the heavens

Fire ~ The flame and smoke

Earth ~ The sacred herb you are burning 

 Sage\Sweetgrass will remove negative energy from your surrounds, body, mind & spirit, crystals, pets and everywhere you use the cleansing smoke

Always give thanks to Mother Earth when using your sacred herbs and dispose of them back into the earth, gardens or plants. This is valuable and should not be discarded as waste! 

Light your SweetGrass  and gently blow to create the smoke, this will now be transferred to your surrounds to remove stagnant energy, evil, illness and lower negative vibes

Walk to each room of your home to purify your surrounds with the smouldering sage

Place your Abalone Shell in your left hand with the SweetGrass braid resting in your shell and use the feather in your right hand to disperse smoke to all corners. Speak your pure intent for cleansing your desired space

It is hard to stay ignited and will need to be relit very regularly, compared to sage stick. This is completely normal and natural! 

Always give thanks to Great Spirit & The Universe for their presence, protection and guidance

Once cleansing has finished extinguish your sage by putting in sand or the earth. I usually leave mine to smoulder out naturally

Place on a heat proof surface or leave in your Abalone Shell or Smudge Bowl when not in use

Our SweetGrass comes in sealed bags to retain its freshness, please keep away from moisture when not in use

I smudge all our crystals using my abalone shell and feather before shipping your orders

I also do our home twice weekly or more when healings and tarot are done

This keeps your family and home purified, positive and protected from lower vibes and illness

You may cleanse your home, car, pets, jewellery and crystals as frequently as you wish

ACCESSORIES NOT INCLUDED ~ you receive one SweetGrass Braid

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